
Uncategorized Market Update January 19, 2022 EVERYONE’S FAVORITE NEWS TOPIC: MORTGAGE RATES!Aggressive monetary policy tightening by the Federal Reserve has sent bond rates surging. This surge has lead to a spike in yield of the 10-year US treasury, which has hit a 2-year-high. Mortgage rates, which closely follow the 10-year, have followed suite. Additionally, the aggressive Fed mortgage-backed-security and bond buying […]
Uncategorized Market Update January 12, 2022 SLIM PICKINGS FOR BUYERSThis week’s email will be as sparse as Gig Harbor’s current inventory. There are currently a whopping THREE existing houses for sale that have been on the market for less than a week. There are a handful of other houses that have been on the market for more than a week, but […]
Uncategorized Market Update January 5, 2022 2021 DECEMBER STATS ARE INThe last stats of 2021 have started rolling in this morning. As anticipated, our seasonal housing dearth will continue into 2022. While December’s stats are relatively uneventful, there are some interesting tidbits that I would like to highlight. Just as I thought that November would take the cake: December did break […]
Uncategorized Market Update December 29, 2021 UNDERSTANDING NFTS Piggybacking on last week’s email I’ll be explaining why NFTs will become more and more relevant each day – including real estate. If you missed last week’s email, a NFT stands for Non-Fungible Token. This token is  digital piece of content that cannot be duplicated because it has a unique ID associated with […]
Uncategorized Market Update December 22, 2021 LAST MINUTE CHRISTMAS STOCKING STUFFER THAT’LL MAKE YOU LOOK SUPER COOL This will be a super short crash course on what, and more importantly, how to make a NFT in mere minutes. Let’s first start with what NFT stands for: Non-Fungible Token. This basically means it’s a digital piece of content that cant be duplicated […]
Uncategorized Market Update December 15, 2021 HO HO HO – MERRY MISERY-MAS? No, I’m not talking about your credit card statement after a online shopping spree. Today I’m going to quickly covering the Misery Index again. If you don’t recall this index from a previous email, it’s a measure of the nation’s economic misery which is calculated by summing up unemployment […]
Uncategorized Market Update December 8, 2021 FREE COFFEE ON SUNDAY (12/12) IN DOWNTOWN GIG HARBOR… …in front of the Winderemere office. I’ll be setting up a little coffee station. So, if you feel like taking a little stroll through the harbor… in the rain… this Sunday afternoon, you’ll find me giving out hot cups of good coffee. (Not cheaping out on […]
Uncategorized Puget Sound Market Update 12/01/21 2022 HOUSING MARKET FORECAST IS ANYBODY’S GUESS The continued complexity of the housing market has left many of Real Estates biggest players looking for answers. Once the beacon of security, predictability and slow-but-steady price appreciation (4.6% since 1980), housing has now become a wildcard thanks to the multitude headline worthy factors. Since there is no […]
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Uncategorized Puget Sound Market Update 11/24/21 COULD YOU PASS ME ANOTHER RACCOON LEG? Since Thanksgiving is upon us, I thought we could all benefit from a short break in economic and real estate news. Instead, I’d like to relay an article I stumbled upon that just might yield fun table conversation in lieu of a heated political debate. Once the inevitable […]
Uncategorized Market Update November 17, 2021 REAL ESTATE HEADLINES Why home prices will keep rising in 2022. Most forecasters expect home price growth to slow to single-digits next year. Nobody expects them to fall. Here’s why. 2022 TAX BRACKETS CHANGING DUE TO INFLATION As the US experiences its highest levels of inflation since the 1970s, the IRS is responding accordingly by […]
Uncategorized Market Update November 10, 2021 11/09/21 TORNADO WARNING SURVIVORSIn case you didn’t get yesterday’s tornado alert: “Meteorologists suspected that a severe thunderstorm, capable of producing a tornado, was detected near Seabeck.” The tornado didn’t ultimately materialize, but [above] is what it looked like. HOLIDAY SLOWDOWN IS UPON USReal estate is cooling off a bit, both in terms of activity, price […]
Uncategorized Market Update November 3, 2021 EVEN ZILLOW IS STRUGGLING IN THIS MARKET Zillow has just announced that will layoff 25% of its workforce, shuttering its homebuying (flipping) services. Zillow’s reputation for hemorrhaging money has been an intention play for them to capture market share. Several months ago Zillow stated it would pause it’s home buying program due to a backlog […]
Uncategorized Market Update October 27, 2021 STAGFLATION VS INFLATION: CAN YOU SPOT THE DIFFERENCE? While many people disagree to the extent future inflation, certain hedge funds have, well, hedged their bets that we might experience similar stagflation that took place during the 1970-80s. Even Bank of American Global Research analysts declared in a recent note that, “stagflation is here.” First of […]
Uncategorized Market Update October 20, 2021 TOP OF THE MARKET? & INFLATION There’s a couple related topics I’d like to cover today. I thought they might be some good food-for-thought over a hot cup of coffee. I. TOP OF THE MARKET? Many people speculate that we’ve reached the top of the market. But how can the average person tell if we […]
Uncategorized Market Update October 13, 2021 WHERE’S MY PACKAGE? I’ve been waiting for some time now to get my new light fixture for the bathroom I’m remodeling. Having been delayed for two weeks now I was surprised to see the reason for this delay was it’s on one of these container ships pictured above.In case you’ve ordered something and haven’t received […]
Uncategorized Market Update October 6, 2021 ESTIMATING YOUR HOUSE’S PRICE A quick ballpark pricing method for your home. Assuming it’s in the same condition it’s in as when you bought it. Rising home prices, especially here in Gig Harbor, see no end in sight. This trend is reflected in the Case-Shiller Index’s “Record High 19.7% Annual Home Price Gain In July.” […]
Uncategorized Market Update September 29, 2021 I know submitting a long article to read via email is never the best option, but I thought it necessary to give some background on the whole Evergrande situation that has been slowly unraveling. Plus, all the new real estate stats are just a few days away… so I thought it perfect opportunity to provide […]
Uncategorized Market Update September 22, 2021 WHERE ARE HOME PRICES GOING TO NEXT? Our COVID-19 housing market will be remembered being one of the hottest in the nation’s history. Since the crisis started, we’ve seen median home prices surge nationwide by 23%. As I’ve written before, we’ve seen the market cooling for a little while. Since bottoming out this spring, housing […]
Uncategorized Market Update September 15, 2021 REAL ESTATE MATCH UP: BUBBLE VS SHORTAGE Those who are expecting a real estate bubble to burst any day now might have to wait a good long while. Despite forecasts that our run-up in housing prices is about to pop because prices are propped up due to low interest rates and wealthy remote workers. I […]
Uncategorized Puget Sound Market Update 9/8/21 EVICTIONS & MARKET FORECAST Longer read this week but here’s the TDLR: If you’ve been sitting on the sidelines and waiting for a buying opportunity (and evictions proceed as expected and properties come up for sale), be on the lookout for deals between October and January. Goldman Sachs is expecting 750,000 households to be evicted […]